In the vignette on the model
definition, we pointed out that the probit model can capture choice
behavior heterogeneity by imposing a mixing distribution on the
coefficient vector. The implementation in {RprobitB}
explained in this vignette1.
The {mlogit}
package (Croissant 2020) contains the data
set Electricity
, in which residential electricity customers
were asked to decide between four hypothetical electricity suppliers.
The suppliers differed in 6 characteristics:
per kWh,cf
, indicating whether the supplier is a
local company,wk
, indicating whether the supplier is a well
known company,tod
, indicating whether the supplier offers a
time-of-day electricity price (which is higher during the day and lower
during the night), andseas
, indicating whether the supplier’s price
is seasonal dependent.This constitutes a choice situation where choice behavior
heterogeneity is expected: some customers might prefer a time-of-day
electricity price (because they may be not at home during the day),
while others can have the opposite preference. Ideally these differences
in preferences should be modeled using characteristics of the deciders.
In many cases (as in this data set) we do not have adequate information.
Instead these differences in taste can be captured by means of a mixing
distribution for the tod
coefficient. This corresponds to
the assumption of a random coefficient from the underlying mixing
distribution to be drawn for each decider. We can use the estimated
mixing distribution to determine for example the share of deciders that
have a positive versus negative preference towards time-of-day
electricity prices.
Additionally, we expect correlations between the random coefficients
to certain covariates, for example a positive correlation between the
influence of loc
and wk
: deciders that prefer
local suppliers might also prefer well known companies due to
recommendations and past experiences, although they might be more
expensive than unknown suppliers. The fitted multivariate normal
distribution will reveal these correlations.
The following lines prepare the Electricity
data set for
estimation. We use the convenience function as_cov_names()
that relabels the data columns for alternative specific covariates into
the required format
”, compare to the
vignette on choice data. Via the
re = c("cl","loc","wk","tod","seas")
argument, we specify
that we want to model random effects for all but the price coefficient,
which we will fix to -1
to interpret the other estimates as
monetary values.
data("Electricity", package = "mlogit")
Electricity <- as_cov_names(Electricity, c("pf", "cl", "loc", "wk", "tod", "seas"), 1:4)
data <- prepare_data(
form = choice ~ pf + cl + loc + wk + tod + seas | 0,
choice_data = Electricity,
re = c("cl", "loc", "wk", "tod", "seas")
model_elec <- fit_model(data, R = 1000, scale = "pf := -1")
Calling the coef()
method on the estimated model also
returns the estimated (marginal) variances of the mixing distribution
besides the average mean effects:
#> Estimate (sd) Variance (sd)
#> 1 pf -1.00 (0.00) NA (NA)
#> 2 cl -0.27 (0.04) 0.33 (0.04)
#> 3 loc 2.89 (0.27) 7.82 (1.60)
#> 4 wk 2.14 (0.22) 4.15 (0.97)
#> 5 tod -9.91 (0.25) 13.01 (2.29)
#> 6 seas -9.96 (0.21) 6.73 (1.45)
By the sign of the estimates we can for example deduce, that the
existence of the time-of-day electricity price tod
in the
contract has a negative effect. However, the deciders are very
heterogeneous here, because the estimated variance of this coefficient
is large. The same holds for the contract length cl
. In
particular, the estimated share of the population that prefers to have a
longer contract length equals:
cl_mu <- coef(model_elec)["cl", "mean"]
cl_sd <- sqrt(coef(model_elec)["cl", "var"])
pnorm(cl_mu / cl_sd)
#> [1] 0.3185047
The correlation between the covariates can be accessed as follows:2
cov_mix(model_elec, cor = TRUE)
#> cl loc wk tod seas
#> cl 1.00000000 0.09161238 0.058215654 -0.05419413 -0.100685302
#> loc 0.09161238 1.00000000 0.792512872 0.13606295 0.027063294
#> wk 0.05821565 0.79251287 1.000000000 0.13506495 0.003499879
#> tod -0.05419413 0.13606295 0.135064950 1.00000000 0.544640146
#> seas -0.10068530 0.02706329 0.003499879 0.54464015 1.000000000
Here, we see the confirmation of our initial assumption about a high
correlation between loc
and wk
. The pairwise
mixing distributions can be visualized via calling the
method with the additional argument
type = mixture
More generally, {RprobitB}
allows to specify a Gaussian
mixture as the mixing distribution. In particular,
$$ \beta \sim \sum_{c=1}^C \text{MVN} (b_c,\Omega_c).$$ This specification allows for a) a better approximation of the true underlying mixing distribution and b) a preference based classification of the deciders.
To estimate a latent mixture, specify a named list
with the following arguments and submit it
to the estimation routine fit_model
, the fixed number (greater or equal 1) of latent
classes, which is set to 1 per default, 3
, a boolean, set to TRUE
for a weight-based update of the latent classes, see below,
, a boolean, set to TRUE
for a
Dirichlet process-based update of the latent classes, see
, the maximum number of latent classes, set to
per default.
The following weight-based updating scheme is analogue to Bauer, Büscher, and Batram (2019) and executed within the burn-in period:
We remove class c, if sc < εmin, i.e. if the class weight sc drops below some threshold εmin. This case indicates that class c has a negligible impact on the mixing distribution.
We split class c into two classes c1 and c2, if sc > εmax. This case indicates that class c has a high influence on the mixing distribution whose approximation can potentially be improved by increasing the resolution in directions of high variance. Therefore, the class means bc1 and bc2 of the new classes c1 and c2 are shifted in opposite directions from the class mean bc of the old class c in the direction of the highest variance.
We join two classes c1 and c2 to one class c, if ∥bc1 − bc2∥ < εdistmin, i.e. if the euclidean distance between the class means bc1 and bc2 drops below some threshold εdistmin. This case indicates location redundancy which should be repealed. The parameters of c are assigned by adding the values of s from c1 and c2 and averaging the values for b and Ω.
These rules contain choices on the values for εmin, εmax and εdistmin. The adequate
value for εdistmin
depends on the scale of the parameters. Per default,
epsmin = 0.01
epsmax = 0.99
, and
distmin = 0.1
These values can be adapted through the latent_class
As an alternative to the weight-based updating scheme to determine
the correct number C of latent
classes, {RprobitB}
implements the Dirichlet process.4 The
Dirichlet Process is a Bayesian nonparametric method, where
nonparametric means that the number of model parameters can
theoretically grow to infinity. The method allows to add more mixture
components to the mixing distribution if needed for a better
approximation, see Neal (2000) for a documentation of the general
case. The literature offers many representations of the method,
including the Chinese Restaurant Process (Aldous 1985), the stick-braking
metaphor (Sethuraman 1994), and the Polya
Urn model (Blackwell
and MacQueen 1973).
In our case, we face the situation to find a distribution g that explains the decider-specific coefficients (βn)n = 1, …, N, where g is supposed to be a mixture of an unknown number C of Gaussian densities, i.e. g = ∑c = 1, …, CscMVN(bc, Ωc).
Let zn ∈ {1, …, C} denote the class membership of βn. A priori, the mixture weights (sc)c are given a Dirichlet prior with concentration parameter δ/C, i.e. (sc)c ∣ δ ∼ DC(δ/C, …, δ/C). Rasmussen (1999) shows that
$$ \Pr((z_n)_n\mid \delta) = \frac{\Gamma(\delta)}{\Gamma(N+\delta)} \prod_{c=1}^C \frac{\Gamma(m_c + \delta/C)}{\Gamma(\delta/C)}, $$ where Γ(⋅) denotes the gamma function and mc = #{n : zn = c} the number of elements that are currently allocated to class c. Crucially, the last equation is independent of the class weights (sc)c, yet it still depends on the finite number C of latent classes. However, Li, Schofield, and Gönen (2019) shows that
$$ \Pr(z_n = c \mid z_{-n}, \delta) = \frac{m_{c,-n} + \delta/C}{N-1+\delta},$$ where the notation −n means excluding the nth element. We can let C approach infinity to derive:
$$ \Pr(z_n = c \mid z_{-n}, \delta) \to \frac{m_{c,-n}}{N-1+\delta}. $$
Note that the allocation probabilities do not sum to 1, instead
$$ \sum_{c = 1}^C \frac{m_{c,-n}}{N-1+\delta} = \frac{N-1}{N-1+\delta}. $$
The difference to 1 equals
$$ \Pr(z_n \neq z_m ~ \forall ~ m \neq n \mid z_{-n}, \delta) = \frac{\delta}{N-1+\delta} $$
and constitutes the probability that a new cluster for observation n is created. Neal (2000) points out that this probability is proportional to the prior parameter δ: A greater value for δ encourages the creation of new clusters, a smaller value for δ increases the probability of an allocation to an already existing class.
In summary, the Dirichlet process updates the allocation of each β coefficient vector one at a time, dependent on the other allocations. The number of clusters can theoretically rise to infinity, however, as we delete unoccupied clusters, C is bounded by N. As a final step after the allocation update, we update the class means bc and covariance matrices Ωc by means of their posterior predictive distribution. The mean and covariance matrix for a new generated cluster is drawn from the prior predictive distribution. The corresponding formulas are given in Li, Schofield, and Gönen (2019).
The Dirichlet process directly integrates into our existing Gibbs
sampler. Given β values, it
updated the class means bc and class
covariance matrices Ωc. The
Dirichlet process updating scheme is implemented in the function
. In the following, we give a small
example in the bivariate case P_r = 2
. We sample true class
means b_true
and class covariance matrices
for C_true = 3
true latent classes.
The true (unbalanced) class sizes are given by the vector
, and z_true
denotes the true
P_r <- 2
C_true <- 3
N <- c(100, 70, 30)
(b_true <- matrix(replicate(C_true, rnorm(P_r)), nrow = P_r, ncol = C_true))
#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] -0.6264538 -0.8356286 0.3295078
#> [2,] 0.1836433 1.5952808 -0.8204684
(Omega_true <- matrix(replicate(C_true, rwishart(P_r + 1, 0.1 * diag(P_r))$W, simplify = TRUE),
nrow = P_r * P_r, ncol = C_true
#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] 0.3093652 0.14358543 0.2734617
#> [2,] 0.1012729 -0.07444148 -0.1474941
#> [3,] 0.1012729 -0.07444148 -0.1474941
#> [4,] 0.2648235 0.05751780 0.2184029
beta <- c()
for (c in 1:C_true) {
for (n in 1:N[c]) {
beta <- cbind(beta, rmvnorm(mu = b_true[, c, drop = F], Sigma = matrix(Omega_true[, c, drop = F], ncol = P_r)))
z_true <- rep(1:3, times = N)
We specify the following prior parameters (for their definition see the vignette on model fitting):
Initially, we start with C = 1
latent classes. The class
mean b
is set to zero, the covariance matrix
to the identity matrix:
z <- rep(1, ncol(beta))
C <- 1
b <- matrix(0, nrow = P_r, ncol = C)
Omega <- matrix(rep(diag(P_r), C), nrow = P_r * P_r, ncol = C)
The following call to update_classes_dp()
updates the
latent classes in 100
iterations. Note that we specify the
arguments Cmax
and s_desc
. The former denotes
the maximum number of latent classes. This specification is not a
requirement for the Dirichlet process per se, but rather for its
implementation. Knowing the maximum possible class number, we can
allocate the required memory space, which leads to a speed improvement.
We later can verify that we won’t exceed the number of
Cmax = 10
latent classes at any point of the Dirichlet
process. Setting s_desc = TRUE
ensures that the classes are
ordered by their weights in a descending order to ensure
for (r in 1:100) {
dp <- RprobitB:::update_classes_dp(
Cmax = 10, beta, z, b, Omega, delta, xi, D, nu, Theta, s_desc = TRUE
z <- dp$z
b <- dp$b
Omega <- dp$Omega
The Dirichlet process was able to infer the true number
C_true = 3
of latent classes:
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(t(beta), xlab = bquote(beta[1]), ylab = bquote(beta[2]), pch = 19)
RprobitB:::plot_class_allocation(beta, z, b, Omega, r = 100, perc = 0.95)
This vignette is built using R 4.4.2 with the
1.1.4 package.↩︎
Setting cor = FALSE
instead returns the
estimated covariance matrix.↩︎
If either weight_update = TRUE
dp_update = TRUE
(i.e. if classes are updated),
equals the initial number of latent classes.↩︎
A similar approach in the context of discrete choice can be found in Burda, Harding, and Hausman (2008), where the Dirichlet process is applied to estimate a mixed logit-probit model.↩︎